Photography Tips
Harley Quinn

8 Tips For Better Digital Photos

Whether you consider yourself an amateur photographer or you just want to create better family photos, there are many things you can do to get better photos. Here are some easy tips to use the next time you head out with your digital camera. Even a beginner can take professional-looking…

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sunflower photoshoot

10 Tips In Better Photography

Taking a good photo isn’t as hard as you may think. You don’t need the most expensive camera or years of experience, just 10 simple tips. Enjoy! Tip 1 – Use All Your Available Space Don’t be afraid to use all the space in your photo. If you want to…

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Anniversary Photography

Digital Photography Tips

Few families would consider leaving home for a vacation these days without reliable, high-quality digital imaging equipment-whether it’s a camera or a camcorder. Here are some tips from the experts at Canon to help you make the most of the memorable vacation moments: Always be prepared: Don’t forget to bring…

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Graphic Art

Great Landscape Photography

Be at One with the Land. Buyers and collectors have accepted photography as art for some time, but only if it’s of significant artistic merit. Great landscape photography sells because the buyer is searching for escapism and the need to dream. As a species we have always been linked to…

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Great Portraits in the Great Outdoors

If you have ever photographed your weekend outing, family reunion, or a special vacation getaway with your friends or family, you know that outdoor photography can present some very special challenges. This is true even for the most seasoned photographer. Direct sunlight can be harsh. Unwanted objects can interfere with…

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paige hardy photography wildlife

How to Photograph Wildlife

To get good shots of animals and birds, you will have to learn to be quick in setting up and framing your shots. Waiting until you get out in the wilderness to learn these tricks is not a good idea. What I found to be very helpful was practicing on…

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Paige Landscape photography

Improving Our Landscape Images

All the world’s cameras, films and other photographic equipment are no more than tools for making landscape pictures. Cameras don’t think for themselves. Whether we use digital or film camera, the same photographic principles apply. We don’t have to stick to many rules to produce great landscape images, but knowing…

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Product Photography

Portrait Photography

Almost anyone that can point a camera and take a picture can take a portrait picture. There are a few things to learn about when it comes to this type of photography that will help you understand the basics of what makes a good portrait. In reality, you do not…

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